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    • 聯(lián)系電話

      您當(dāng)前所在位置:首頁(yè) > 新聞中心 > 斗式提升機(jī)的維護(hù)技巧你學(xué)會(huì)了嗎(中英文版)


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-05-26 00:00:00作 者:瀏覽次數(shù):次


        1、軸承 提升機(jī)的軸承擔(dān)負(fù)機(jī)器的全部負(fù)荷,所以良好的潤(rùn)滑對(duì)軸承壽命有很大的關(guān)系,它直接影響到機(jī)器的使用壽命和運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)率,因而要求注入的潤(rùn)滑油必須清潔,密封必須良好,本機(jī)器的主要注油處 ?! ?




            5、放活裝置的底架平面,應(yīng)出去灰塵等物以免機(jī)器遇到不能破碎的物料時(shí)活動(dòng)軸承不能在底架   上移動(dòng),以致發(fā)生嚴(yán)重事故.  










      When we buy a bucket elevator to go back, in addition to ask him to our work, but also give it a regular maintenance, as the saying goes, there is a harvest, as long as we treat our hoist equipment, it will provide us a good job. It gives us the manufacturing value is greater. On the lack of experience of machine maintenance is a very important regular work, it should be with extremely the operation and maintenance of close cooperation, so there should be a personnel on duty to check. A machine maintenance:

      In 1, the bearing load bearing hoist machine full load, so the good lubrication on bearing life have a great relationship, it directly affects the service life of the machine and the running rate, thus requiring into the lubricating oil must be clean, seal must be in good condition, the main oiling machine at.

      In 2, the newly installed tire easily loosened must always check.

      3, pay attention to whether or not the work of machine parts.

      4, pay attention to check the wear parts wear degree, always pay attention to replace the worn parts.

      5, deregulating the device frame plane, should go out dust and dirt to avoid machine doesn't broken material activities bearing can not on the chassis of mobile, so that a serious accident.

      6, bearing temperature, stop and check the reason to be eliminated.

      In 7, the rotary gear in operation if the impact of noise check should be immediately stopped, and the elimination of.

      Installation and test run of two:

      In 1, the device should be installed in horizontal concrete foundation, fixed with anchor bolts.

      In 2, the installation should pay attention to the main body and the horizontal and vertical.

      3, check after installation of the bolts looseness and host doors are secured, please fasten.

      In 4, according to equipment power distribution power line and a control switch.

      5, check, for no load test, the test can be produced in normal.


      0373-268 2333



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